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Translation of «listen-listen» in Swedish language: — English-Swedish Dictionary.

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Translation of "listen" in Spanish. Verb. escuchar. oír. prestar atención mira caso listen mire atiende. oída. Miren Oíd Dime Chequea Verás. Other translations. Suggestions. listen to +10k. don't listen 2859. listen up 2104. just listen 1901. now listen 1354. but listen 1039. won't listen 981. listen carefully 872.

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Translation of «listen-listen» in Swedish language: — English-Swedish Dictionary.

Our native speaker teachers will come and teach you at home or at work throughout the USA and Canada. Feb 16, 2011 The verb "listen" takes a prepositional object, while a verb like "read" takes an ' ordinary' direct object. Why should this be so? Well, to some  These A.I. earbuds could help travelers seamlessly translate English to Swedish translation results for 'listen to' designed for tablets and mobile devices.

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