1 dag sedan · Like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted in 2018, the artificial intelligence regulation is expected to help set a template for the U.S. and governments around the world


The text was supported or not objected to by 26 delegations. These conclusions are designed to anchor the EU's fundamental rights and values in the age of digitalisation, foster the EU's digital sovereignty and actively contribute to the global debate on the use of artificial intelligence with a view to shaping the international framework.

Machine learning is at the heart of a technological and societal artificial intelligence revolution involving multiple  Jul 16, 2020 The EU is moving tentatively towards first-of-its-kind rules on the ways that companies can use artificial intelligence (AI), amid fears that the  Jun 15, 2020 Its leaders must quickly implement policy reforms that will enable EU companies to deploy AI at scale. 4 days ago The proposed EU rules would ban the use of A.I. for “manipulative, addictive, social control and indiscriminate surveillance practices.” It defines “  Mar 5, 2020 On Feb. 19, the European Commission released a White Paper on Artificial Intelligence outlining its wide-ranging plan to develop artificial  Although mathematical models and algorithms are not patentable under the European Patent Convention ("EPC"), AI inventions are generally patentable as a   Feb 28, 2020 The White Paper is open for public consultation until 19 May 2020. Promoting the uptake of AI in the EU: An Ecosystem of Excellence. The  Feb 19, 2020 The news: The European Union's newly released white paper containing guidelines for regulating AI acknowledges the potential for artificial  Apr 14, 2021 European Union lawmakers who are drawing up rules for applying artificial intelligence are considering fines of up to 4% of global annual  Apr 15, 2020 The European Commission published a White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, “a European approach to excellence and trust”.

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Nine months later, addressing once again the European Parliament in her maiden State of the Union speech”, she had moved from 2021-04-21 · EU officials, trying to catch up with the Chinese and American tech industries, said the rules would encourage the industry’s growth by raising trust in artificial intelligence systems and by 2021-04-21 · LONDON (AP) — Risky uses of artificial intelligence that threaten people’s safety or rights such as live facial scanning should be banned or tightly controlled, European Union officials said Wednesday as they outlined an ambitious package of proposed regulations to rein in the rapidly expanding technology. 2021-04-22 · EU's new artificial intelligence law risks enabling Orwellian surveillance states | View. This content is not available in your region View. 2021-04-21 · European Union officials proposed new regulations Wednesday for high-risk uses of artificial intelligence, like facial scanning.The big picture: The EU wants to set rules for uses of AI that shape decisions made about people's lives and ban uses of AI that are deemed to be too risky.Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. 2021-04-21 · EU proposes rules for high-risk artificial intelligence uses. European Union officials have unveiled proposals for reining in high-risk uses of artificial intelligence such as live facial scanning 1 dag sedan · Like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted in 2018, the artificial intelligence regulation is expected to help set a template for the U.S. and governments around the world 2021-04-21 · EU Publishes Framework for Artificial Intelligence Regulation The EU has proposed a set of regulations that will regulate artificial intelligence based on each application's inherent risk in order to avoid the potential problems with AI systems.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a reality and has woven its way into everyday life: navigation systems, spam filters, weather forecasts to name but a few.There have been significant advancements in the field of machine learning, a subset of AI. 2021-04-16 · The European Commission is about to release an important policy package, which will include a proposal for a “Regulation on a European Approach for Artificial intelligence”. This will be the first attempt to define a 1 day ago Small wonder, then, that all eyes were on Brussels when the European Commission on April 21st published proposed regulations on artificial  5 days ago CEPS has therefore decided to invite the Director for AI and Digital Industry at the European Commission DG CONNECT, Lucilla Sioli, for an  Robotics & Artificial Intelligence.

4 days ago The proposed EU rules would ban the use of A.I. for “manipulative, addictive, social control and indiscriminate surveillance practices.” It defines “ 

Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas has noted,   One of the greatest forces currently driving economic development is artificial intelligence. The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU has decided to invest in  Feb 7, 2019 Without faster and more comprehensive engagement in AI, that gap could widen, especially for those European countries with relatively low  Europe has a robust AI industry and countries within the EU have continued to emphasize the importance of joining forces and showing a unified "European AI  Artificial Intelligence 2019, taking place in Autumn 2019 in Brussels will showcase the power and opportunity of AI and inspire the European policy debate.

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2021-04-21 · Artificial Intelligence is a fantastic opportunity for Europe. And citizens deserve technologies they can trust. Today we present new rules for trustworthy AI.

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On 14 November 2019, the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU co-organised a conference in Brussels on EU-NATO relations and Artificial Intelligence (AI). 2.

The proposal falls short of consumer groups’ expectations and of the EU’s own objective of enabling AI that people can trust. The EU has published proposals on the regulation of artificial intelligence, which look to ensure a balance is struck between protecting consumers, and encouraging technological development. The text was supported or not objected to by 26 delegations.
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Europe initiates regulations on artificial intelligence; industry presented with The White Paper on AI initiates a process that could potentially establish the 

A European approach to Artificial intelligence. The European Commission’s approach on Artificial Intelligence centres around excellence and trust. It aims to boost the EU's research and industrial capacity.

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The last Friday in September has been designated European Researchers' To assist them, they will be using an artificial intelligence app and the world's 

3 days ago On April 21, the EU Commission is expected to adopt a proposal for a regulation ( the AI Regulation) of “artificial intelligence systems” (AI  Artificial In tellig enc e – Comparison o f US's and EU's regula tory approaches. 4. The European Commission has made Artificial Intelligence (AI) one of its  4 days ago The draft regulations from the EU's executive commission include rules for applications deemed high risk such as AI systems to filter out school,  The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab - a follow-up project to the European Digital Art and Science Network - offers international artists working in the field of   The European Association for Artificial Intelligence EurAI (formerly ECCAI) was established in July 1982 as a representative body for the European Artificial  While the US and China have been setting the pace when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, the European Union seems to be lagging behind.

10 dec. 2019 — Den populära finländska webbkursen Elements of AI kommer under 2020–2021 att stegvis lanseras på alla officiella EU-språk. Initiativet har 

2021-04-21 · EU proposes rules for high-risk artificial intelligence uses. European Union officials have unveiled proposals for reining in high-risk uses of artificial intelligence such as live facial scanning 1 dag sedan · Like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted in 2018, the artificial intelligence regulation is expected to help set a template for the U.S. and governments around the world 2021-04-21 · EU Publishes Framework for Artificial Intelligence Regulation The EU has proposed a set of regulations that will regulate artificial intelligence based on each application's inherent risk in order to avoid the potential problems with AI systems. April 21, 2021 Jonathan Blackwood Leave a Comment 2020-02-19 · The EU's executive Commission said it wants to develop a "framework for trustworthy artificial intelligence." European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had ordered her top deputies to come up with a coordinated European approach to artificial intelligence and data strategy 100 days after she took office in December. 2021-04-22 · The European Commission has finally published its much-anticipated proposal for a broad regulation to cover the use of artificial intelligence in the EU. This is a world-first – no other jurisdiction has yet taken a step of this nature, and with an ambitious timeline seemingly in the Commission's sights, it is clear Europe is determined to lead the world in this important area of technology 2021-04-21 · European Union officials unveiled proposals on Wednesday for reining in high-risk uses of artificial intelligence, such as live facial scanning that could threaten people's safety or rights. The draft regulations from the EU's executive commission include rules on the use of the rapidly expanding technology in activities, such as choosing school, job or loan applicants. They also would ban Summary.

2019 — Romanian farmers better supported thanks to artificial intelligence It is the government agency with the highest absorption rate of EU funds. 24 apr. 2019 — Under de senaste åren har kampen om artificiell intelligens (AI) intensifierats. Mot denna utveckling var EU:s nya samordnade plan för AI både  23 apr. 2019 — En expertgrupp utsedd av EU-kommissionen publicerade den åttonde april sina etiska anvisningar (Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI) efter  11 jan. 2019 — Planen syftar till att maximera fördelarna med AI inom EU och verkar bland annat inom följande områden: strategiska aktiviteter och  27 apr.