Triskaidekaphobia (pronunciation: / ˌ t r ɪ s k aɪ ˌ d ɛ k ə ˈ f oʊ b i ə, ˌ t r ɪ s k ə-/, TRIS-kye-DEK-ə-FOH-bee-ə or TRIS-kə-DEK-ə-FOH-bee-ə; from Greek tris meaning "three", kai meaning "and", deka meaning "10" and phobos meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is fear of the number 13 and avoidance to use it.
Posts about triskaidekaphobia written by Kalanjiam. Primary Menu. Home; About; Projects. Coding&Computer; Syst/Comp Design
triskaidekaphobia Triskaidekaphobie Triskaidekaphobia definition: an abnormal fear of the number thirteen | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. triskaidekaphobia sound ,triskaidekaphobia pronunciation, how to pronounce triskaidekaphobia, click to play the pronunciation audio of triskaidekaphobia. triskaidekaphobia. Pronunciation /ˌtrɪskʌɪdɛkəˈfəʊbɪə/. noun. mass noun.
an abnormal fear of the number thirteen (7 of 204 words, 1 usage example, pronunciation). www .collinsdictionary .com /dictionary /english /triskaidekaphobia What does tridecaphobia mean? Alternative form of triskaidekaphobia. (noun) Triskaidekaphobia Meaning. We committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience. Triskaidekaphobia Meaning. Although it may seem trivial, triskaidekaphobia is an issue that affects western societies economically.
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Learn how to say Triskaidekaphobia with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:
tris•kai•dek•a•pho•bi•a (tris′kī dek′ə fō′bē ə, tris′kə-), USA pronunciation n. Psychiatry fear or a phobia concerning the number 13.
Develop a pronunciation technique that has no special characters and is For instance, triskaidekaphobia can be dissected as follows: tris means three, kai
1910–15. Forum discussions with the word (s) "triskaidekaphobia" in the title: No titles with the word (s) "triskaidekaphobia… Pronounced /ˌtrɪskaɪdɛkəˈfəʊbɪə/ Strictly, triskaidekaphobia refers only to fear of the number 13.
Learn how to say trisyllable Trisyllable pronunciation in British English. Your browser doesn't triskaidekaphobia · triskele · triskeles. analysis will provide them with a way to not only pronounce and identify a word, but also to unlock the of the hotel because of his severe triskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia and The Lottery · James Copernicus - Dec 2, 2011 1. Some of you may know that triskaidekaphobia (pronounced triss - kai - deck - a - foh
23 Mar 2021 in the U.S. there is a fear of the number 13 called triskaidekaphobia. In China , 666 pronunciation sounds like “things going smoothly” and
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triskaidekaphobia - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. How to pronounce triskaidekaphobia in English (1 out of 6): Enabled JavaScript is required to listen to the English pronunciation of 'triskaidekaphobia'. Speed:
Fear of the number 13.
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Triskaidekaphobia (pronunciation: / ˌ t r ɪ s k aɪ ˌ d ɛ k ə ˈ f oʊ b i ə, ˌ t r ɪ s k ə-/, TRIS-kye-DEK-ə-FOH-bee-ə or TRIS-kə-DEK-ə-FOH-bee-ə; from Greek tris meaning "three", kai meaning "and", deka meaning "10" and phobos meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is fear of the number 13 and avoidance to use it.
The fear of the number 13. English (UK) Pronunciation Triskaidekaphobia (/ ˌ t r ɪ s k aɪ ˌ d ɛ k ə ˈ f oʊ b i ə / TRIS-kye-DEK-ə-FOH-bee-ə, / ˌ t r ɪ s k ə-/ TRIS-kə-; from Ancient Greek τρεισκαίδεκα (treiskaídeka) 'thirteen', and Ancient Greek φόβος (phóbos) 'fear') is fear or avoidance of the number 13.
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Triskaidekaphobia (/ ˌ t r ɪ s k aɪ ˌ d ɛ k ə ˈ f oʊ b i ə / TRIS-kye-DEK-ə-FOH-bee-ə, / ˌ t r ɪ s k ə-/ TRIS-kə-; from Ancient Greek τρεισκαίδεκα (treiskaídeka) 'thirteen', and Ancient Greek φόβος (phóbos) 'fear') is fear or avoidance of the number 13.
Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent? Pronounce triskaidekaphobia in English. Share the pronunciation of triskaidekaphobia in English: Facebook; Twitter Triskaidekaphobia (from greek tris=three, kai=and, deka=ten) is a fear of the number 13. 24th, or 34th floors. It is common to find no block number ending in 4 in residential complexes.
Pronounced /ˌtrɪskaɪdɛkəˈfəʊbɪə/ Strictly, triskaidekaphobia refers only to fear of the number 13. People who build hotels and office buildings know all about triskaidekaphobia, even if they do not know its name, since one almost never encounters an elevator that goes to the thirteenth floor! Brave New Brain, by Nancy C Andreasen, 2001.
triskaidekaphobia pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition 2011-03-29 · Word: triskaidekaphobia PRONUNCIATION: (tris-ky-dek-uh-FO-bee-uh) MEANING: noun: Fear of the number 13. ETYMOLOGY: From Greek treiskaideka (thirteen), from treis 2020-05-22 · Pronunciation. enPR: trĭs'kī-dĕk'ə-fō'bē-ə, IPA : /ˌtɹɪskaɪdɛkəˈfəʊbi.ə/ triskaidekaphobia pronunciation - How to properly say triskaidekaphobia. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents.
n. Psychiatry fear or a phobia concerning the number 13. tris′kai•dek′a•pho′bic, adj. Greek triskaídeka thirteen + - phobia. 1910–15. Forum discussions with the word (s) "triskaidekaphobia" in the title: No titles with the word (s) "triskaidekaphobia… Pronounced /ˌtrɪskaɪdɛkəˈfəʊbɪə/ Strictly, triskaidekaphobia refers only to fear of the number 13. People who build hotels and office buildings know all about triskaidekaphobia, even if they do not know its name, since one almost never encounters an elevator that goes to the thirteenth floor!