Your first EURES job. Your first EURES job makes it easier to move and work and to recruit young people in Europe.


Settling in a new country and finding a new job can be complex, which is why the European Union has set up the European Employment Services (EURES) to 

European Job Days are dynamic recruitment events that bring jobseekers and employers together. Jobseekers can find not only recruitment opportunities but also practical information and advice from EURES Advisers and other employment professionals. EURES – European job mobility NAV can help job seekers and employers find employment or suitable candidates in other European countries. Published: 20.12.2016 | Updated: 20.12.2016 Eures-portalen. Om nätverket Eures.

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Let one of the 4,928 employers registered to EURES find you by defining your EURES profile and creating a CV online. EURES helps worldwide jobseekers to find a job in Europe by publishing job offers from the national public employment services. Read out how to use the EURES search engine Eurest is a division of Compass Group, the world’s largest food service company and the world’s 11th largest employer. We operate in more than 50 countries, with market positions in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, South America, and Asia. European Job Days are dynamic recruitment events that bring jobseekers and employers together. Jobseekers can find not only recruitment opportunities but also practical information and advice from EURES Advisers and other employment professionals.

Your first EURES job aims to help young nationals in the 18-35 age bracket of any of the EU28 countries + Iceland and Norway (EFTA/EEA countries) to find a work placement (job or traineeship) in another EU EFTA/EEA country.

EURES is here for jobseekers and employers 👍 Don’t let the current situation stop you from finding a job, you can do so safely from home with EURES.. The EURES Job Mobility Portal has nearly 2⃣ million opportunities across Europe, in sectors from health 🏥, to Information Technology 💻, and teaching 🧑‍🏫

Look up and discover the North and the opportunities on offer in Finland, Norway and Sweden. This is an opportunity for you to find work and for the employer to find the right people. Finland, Norway and Sweden are arranging an online recruitment event to provide you with the chance to find job opportunities in our countries.

Eures job

EURES (European Employment Services) is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free movement of workers within the European 

Eures job

About EURES. EURES – job mobility in Europe; EURES advisers; Living and working in Latvia. Entry and stay in Latvia; Living and working conditions; Facts about Latvia; Equal treatment of European Union workers; Useful information and links; For employers; For jobseekers ; Employment agencies Licensed private employment agencies EURES – European Job Mobility Portal, which is run by the European Commission, is the basic tool of all databases with which EURES works: Primarily, here you will find a database of job vacancies in EURES network member countries. Look up and discover the North and the opportunities on offer in Finland, Norway and Sweden. This is an opportunity for you to find work and for the employer to find the right people. Finland, Norway and Sweden are arranging an online recruitment event to provide you with the chance to find job opportunities in our countries. During Finland-Norway-Sweden Day recruitment event on April 15, 2021 To apply: register on Your first EURES job/Reactivate platform and once you are registered and have completely filled in your CV, please contact us by using the contact form on our website or by sending an email to, indicating “Professional Nurse in … You can move to any country within the EU, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the UK to take up a job thanks to one of the most important rights of EU citizens: free movement of workers.

Ireland is regularly cited as one of the most open T argeted Mobility Scheme - Your first EURES job make it easier to move, work and to recruit in Europe.. About the schemes. Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) / Your first EURES job (YfEj) are EU mobility schemes with the aim to match employers with hard to fill … The Your First EURES job Germany project is aimed at the development of innovative services, including financial support for young jobseekers and employers to promote employment mobility in the EU within the EURES network. Explore EURES Job Network's 970 photos on Flickr! We and our partners process personal data such as IP Address, Unique ID, browsing data for: Use precise geolocation data | Actively scan device characteristics for identification.. Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest. Jobseekers.
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EURES – European job mobility. NAV can help job seekers and employers find employment or suitable candidates in other European countries. Published: 20.12.2016 | Updated: 20.12.2016. NAV is helping employers recruit candidates from the EU, EEA or Switzerland.

Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) / Your first EURES job (YfEj) are EU mobility schemes with the aim to match employers with hard to fill vacancies with skilled  Gi Group has been accepted in the tender for “Your first EURES job” promoted by the European Commission to help young Europeans find work in other EU  Today more than 3 million jobs are available on the EURES Job Mobility Portal and over 1,000 EURES Advisers help people every day to find a job abroad. EURES is a cooperation network between the European Commission and the Public Employment.

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Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers. The network has 

Button to report this content. Button to like this  EURES Sweden by Arbetsförmedlingen is arranging an online recruitment event to provide you with the chance to find job opportunities in our country. Rekrytering inom EU/EES Employment Services. •. • 1100 kollegor från 31 Branschgrupper inom Eures Arbetsförmedlingen. Nordjobb har ungefär samma kostnad per utbyte som de mest effektiva projektet inom det europeiska arbetsutbytesprogrammet ”Your first EURES job” [YfEj]. Engelska.

Join the EURES job market! Let one of the 4,903 employers registered to EURES find you by defining your EURES profile and creating a CV online.

About EURES. EURES – job mobility in Europe; EURES advisers; Living and working in Latvia. Entry and stay in Latvia; Living and working conditions; Facts about Latvia; Equal treatment of European Union workers; Useful information and links; For employers; For jobseekers ; Employment agencies Licensed private employment agencies EURES – European Job Mobility Portal, which is run by the European Commission, is the basic tool of all databases with which EURES works: Primarily, here you will find a database of job vacancies in EURES network member countries. Look up and discover the North and the opportunities on offer in Finland, Norway and Sweden. This is an opportunity for you to find work and for the employer to find the right people. Finland, Norway and Sweden are arranging an online recruitment event to provide you with the chance to find job opportunities in our countries. During Finland-Norway-Sweden Day recruitment event on April 15, 2021 To apply: register on Your first EURES job/Reactivate platform and once you are registered and have completely filled in your CV, please contact us by using the contact form on our website or by sending an email to, indicating “Professional Nurse in … You can move to any country within the EU, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the UK to take up a job thanks to one of the most important rights of EU citizens: free movement of workers.

AB Företagsutveckling deltar i Arbetsförmedlingen Eures projekt TMS - Your First EURES Job Syftet med projektet är att hjälpa arbetssökande att hitta jobb hos europeiska arbetsgivare, stödja arbetsgivare med svårtillsatta lediga tjänster och ge mobilitetsservice och ekonomiska stöd.